Childworld Créche – Early Years Services
Our Lady of Lourdes Childworld crèche uses a holistic approach to ensure a child-focused and inclusive high-quality service to children and families in the community. We cater for children arranging from six months up to five years of age. We also provide an afterschool service to children attending the local school.
The service operates from a Play-Based curriculum however we are inspired by Highscope, which underpins the framework of Aistear and Siolta. We recognise and develop on children’s interests and enhance learning and development through play experiences. This is achieved in a fun and meaningful manner.
Application forms are available from the crèche to be returned to the childcare manager.
Parents will be notified when a place becomes available.
Our Facilities
Babies & wobblers: Providing care for children aged from 6 months to 18 months.
Junior Toddlers: Providing care for children aged 18 months to 16 months.
Senior Toddlers: Catering for children 2-3 years.
Preschool: Catering for children aged 3-5 years.
After School Club: Catering for children aged from 4-12 years.
Kitchen & Dining Room: This is where nutritious well-balanced meals and snacks are prepared and served to children. All dietary requirements are met.
Outdoor Play Area: Providing the children opportunities for physical activities.
Childcare garden: Allowing the children access to a natural space to explore.